About Our Parish
As a parish , Our Lady Queen of Peace came into existence in 1999, with The Very Rev Patrick McGarry as it‘s first parish priest. After his death , Very Rev Brendan Hickland , Patsy‘s curate became parish priest , succeeded by Very Rev Colm McBride before I came to the parish in Sept. 2014
Since Sept I have watched as this parish has gotten more steady on it‘s feet; the tentative steps of youth giving way to the confident strides of maturity, expressed in self-belief, discernment, respect, appreciation, and sense of calling, charisms of living stones on which all churches are surely built. Such living stones are the bedrock of the many ministries in this parish, mortared through the trojan work of an active and innovative Pastoral Council, who engender communion in all their initiatives whether it be parish Fun Day and BBQ, retreats, inter church prayer services , carol concerts , Easter egg hunt, St Patrick‘s Day Lunch , food bank collections, or clothes bank.
That communion of ministries forming a church of living stones hallmarks this parish and puts flesh onto the words of Mathew‘s gospel 7;24-27
“everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on rock. Rain came down, floods rose , gales blew and hurled themselves against the at house and it did not fall, it was founded on rock.”
The house at the centre of this parish, Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel is founded on such solid living rocks , the parishioners, with Christ being the keystone , supporting all that happens here. But don‘t just take my word for it; take a virtual tour and see the vitality of this parish or drop in physically and experience the warmth, the affection, the hospitality and the love of this parish which so many now call home.
Rev Rory Sheehan PP