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Laudato Si’ Week, May 21st - 28th 2023 celebrates the 8th Anniversary of the publication by Pope Francis of his encyclical on Care for our Common Home. The guiding theme this year is Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity”. There is hope. Pope Francis calls us to develop a “loving awareness” of this home we share and to act on the values we hold dear. (LS 220)

Laudato Si’ Week is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty, diversity, and interconnectedness of all of creation as well as the care of creation initiatives that offer hope for the future of our Common Home. We are grateful for the following four initiatives,

· The Letter

The feature documentary, The Letter, has been produced in collaboration with Laudato Si’ Movement and the Vatican. The film which features frontline environmental champions from around the world representing the voices of the Indigenous, the young, the poor and that of science brings to life the transformative vision of Laudato Si’. It will be screened in DCU on Tuesday May 23rd at 7pm with Archbishop Dermot Farrell and Dr. Lorna Gold amongst a panel of speakers. To register for this free event please go to

On Thursday May 25th Misean Cara will host a screening in Pearse Street Library, Dublin at 2pm with Bishop Martin Hayes & Jane Mellett (Trócaire). Further details and registration can be found:

Divestment from fossil fuels is action on the Social Teaching of Laudato Si’

We are all are charged with a responsibility to care for God’s creation, its interconnectedness, its beauty so that we can continue to give praise to God, Laudato Si’, our Creator. As Christians we need to give witness to an ecological conversion, so that our relationship with Jesus Christ becomes more evident in the world around us (LS, 217). In encouraging your diocese and parish to divest from fossil fuels you enable the implementation of the Catholic Social Teaching of Laudato Si’. You might also consider personally divesting from fossil fuels and you can find out more at

Support on divestment from fossil fuels is available from Joseph D'halluin of the Laudato Si’ Movement at

· Laudato Si’ Action Platform

In enrolling your climate action group on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform you unite your efforts with the seven global goals that provide guidance on urgent and immediate actions each one us can take in the care of our Common Home. For more details visit

· Returning 30% of Parish Grounds to nature by 2030

The Irish’ Bishop’s at their Spring meeting “encouraging parishes to identify, as a first step, 30% of parish grounds and to care for this as a haven for pollinators and biodiversity, that can be enjoyed by the whole community”. Visit the Irish Catholic Bishops’ website for further details as they emerge in the coming weeks.

For further details and support on all these initiatives please contact, Jane Mellett, Trócaire Laudato Si’ Officer at who liaises with Laudato Si’ Animators from parishes throughout Ireland.


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