We are all too aware that our Church has allowed terrible acts of abuse and depravity against children to take place and that many of these appalling betrayals of trust were covered up. These are difficult times and much still needs to be done to deal with the issues that have arisen from the past. We can never forget the hurt and damage that was done to innocent children that remain an open wound within the Church. As Pope Francis has recently indicated the work of healing, purification and reform needs to continue. It is critical that the global Church finally begins to act consistently in order to safeguard children and adults at risk of harm and that those in positions of leadership who have covered up such abuse are held to account.
In this regard, our Parish Safeguarding Committee has been in operation for nearly 10 years now in seeking to ensure that our Parish is a safe and welcoming environment for children and adults alike.
The current membership is :
Gerry Heery (Chair-person)
Niamh Finch
Seamus Campbell
Fr Rory Sheehan (PP)
If you have any concerns you can contact any of the above.
The two key functions of all PSCs as described in the Parish Safeguarding Committee Handbook (Published in 2020 by the Safeguarding Office, Down & Conor Diocese) are :
1: Raise awareness about safeguarding in your parish community…… Let the Parish know who you are and what you do. Link in with other groups such as your Pastoral Council, hall committees and those engaging with children/young people and adults in your Parish.
2: Put in place the best possible safeguarding arrangements…… It is your role to help create and maintain a safe environment for children/young people and adults in need of safeguarding within your Parish…… be creative as to how you might achieve this. Connect with neighbouring PSCs and share best practice. Be aware of all the activities taking place.
Hopefully we can continue to carry out the above tasks in co-operation with everyone in the Parish